Thursday, November 25, 2010

day 46

Today was Thanksgiving
I write this because many of you are not American and may not know it

I write to you with a bloated stomach
and a deep need for sleep.
My bed is right behind me, you know?
It's a big bed... and unfortunately it's only Bubble and me who sleep in it.
But tonight I don't care.
I just want to intersperse myself into the blankets
osmose my head into the pillows
rest rest rest

I wrote another play for class.
This play we had to choose one of our earlier poems and stories and then adapt them for the stage (which is why our last play shouldn't have had the same theme as all the rest.)
I began by adapting my first poem... then added my second poem and THEN added my story as well.
It became this weird sort of Sam Shepardish (I am thinking about Fool For Love here) thing.

I am not sure it's a play.

I will not post it today. I am waiting for feedback from my fellow students... I feel like
I like it... I actually do but
I don't feel as if it's ready yet.

So what do I write tonight?

My youngest Niece is very sick. She caughht strep throat last week
this week my sister found that she had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic
her tongue is all white
everything hurts
she refuses to eat
and will only drink juice or water

it's amazing because
right now my dad can't eat either

they are only filling him with liquids

so she and he
have for the same number of days
not eaten (about 3 and a half)
The difference is that she is a trooper
youth supports her
she almost shines as she refuses to eat

my father melts away
loses himself

Tomorrow I am sure both my father and my niece will eat
I hope they both enjoy it

Imagine for my Niece
a Thanksgiving when
all you can do
is watch everyone else enjoying all the food
and sip from a Capri-Sun

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