Ive been sick today
forgetting as well
forgot to give all of my dads pills to him.
missed about 7 of them.
I am a terrible son.
My throat hurts and i want to sleep all the time
when I get hungry I begin to feel horrible
after I eat I only want to lie down
how did I get sick?
I never leave the house.
I want to share something with you...
This is what my teacher wrote:
I'm up at 4 am, thanks to incredible pain (more on that if it becomes a problem; I may be posting from a hospital room soon), but since I'm up, and actually logged into work to work (may my boss have mercy on my tattered soul), I took a minute to watch the Joy Behar show, which honestly I wouldn't watch otherwise (my Star Trek episode ended, and I was looking for ANYTHING to watch). But her first topic was about the controversy regarding a man whose book, which is basically a guide for pedophiles, was offered for sale on Amazon.com. Now Amazon is under fire for this, and honestly, I think it's wrong. Now, I would NEVER condone pedophilia or anything of the sort, but where do we draw the line on books? This guy wanted to make some money, and he wrote a book he knew would sell to a certain segment of society (to be more charitable than I should be), and he made some money off of it. Is that a crime? Absolutely not. Is it being treated as a crime? Absolutely. Is it right? Wrong? Evil? Dangerous? What about the Anarchist Cookbook (http://www.amazon.com/Anarchist-Cookbook-William-Powell/dp/0974458902/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1289557080&sr=1-1), whose author posts on Amazon a huge apology for even writing the book? For showing people how to make bombs? There was a tiny controversy about it a few years ago, and it just dissipated. How far does free speech go, and how does it affect us as writers?
This was my reply:
there are so many things here I am not sure where to begin.
First, I am sorry that you do not feel well.
About this book... I worked in a bookstore and was there in the 90's when the whole Anarchist Cookbook (it was the 2nd or third time the controversy happened because I think it was originally published in the 80s). My manager displayed the book proudly at the cash wrap (out of reach of young hands however) and it made the store have a good month.
I also read a fiction book... can't remember the name... about a young woman pedophile and her letters to a famous pedophile who was in jail.
The book was very explicit and extremely interesting.
The author of the book you are talking about is just an author. He is doing the same thing we are. Writing from his experience or interest or knowledge and trying to sell it. Books about making bombs or being pedophiles are NOT the problem. In fact, in a way, thank god for them because they bring the problem to light more clearly. They call the issue to the front of the table.
The problem is the family who is not in control of itself... or the society which does not care for anything but money and advancement. Books about pedophiles do not make pedophiles... books about anarchy do not make anarchists or terrorists. We do. We do it when we turn our backs on people with need. We do it when we ignore the signs in our children. We do it when we have children that we shouldn't have because we have them for reasons other than to love and protect and nurture.
Then someone writes this book. It begins to sell. It causes controversy because we look at ourselves and suddenly we see the monster within us. We see our faults. We want to blame someone else for this. We point our finger at the author, at Amazon... but we should really turn that finger around. Or stop pointing and make an open hand and use it to start healing the problems instead of just complaining about them.
Was that an answer you liked? I hope you feel better today. In some ways this online class makes everything more intimate than in an actual classroom. I feel like I want to make you soup or something. But since we live several time zones distant... Ill write you a bowl of soup!
soft morsels of white chicken meat dredged in white wine slowly simmered with spring water and a little olive oil. Add Bamboo salt and white pepper to taste. The finest carrots with an orange like only the earth can make should be gently sliced to an exquisite thinness and mixed within. Garlic to, but make sure it's fresh (or ginger if you are that kind of person) a green onion wouldn't hurt or a leek as well. Let it lie there... let it's smell enter the world... enter the kitchen. Let you body yearn for it first... the juices in your mouth beginning to emerge. Swallow hard and wait. Soon this careful soup will be yours and you will see better days.
And his reply to me:
God, I don't think I could write that. And I am posting one message today, Kevin, and probably getting in trouble for it, but you have absolutely made my day, and I'm just stopping there. Thank you. I will get to the other responses later, but right now I want to eat my soup and love everything I can, and be well.
This is the greatest creative writing class I have ever had, because y'all are just brilliant.
made me feel good
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