Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dad's blood infection improves. His white blood cell count lowered yesterday... which almost sounds bad.
But it's good.
It means his body feels that
he needs less cells
to fight off the infection.

He still has a bit of pneumonia... but
he seemed better today
no smiles or anything
but he tried to speak a little
and was more aware.
I spent almost an hour with him attempting to
work out his legs.
He lies in a very...
sort of natal positionish way
his legs bent
and held tightly to his chest
NOT by his arms
but by almost atrophied muscles in his legs
I massaged his legs
and little by little
(watching his face intently for any pain)
I moved his stubborn legs...
20 minutes later I had the first one straight
I exercised it (My mom then took over on that leg while I worked to unbend the other)
a little tricky because the
other leg had gotten wedged under his but
the catheter (a tube attached to his penis) was also intertwined within the mess of legs
gently I was able to free the second leg
and again my mother took over
as I went back to the first.

We left him, looking quite comfortable, legs extended... asleep
I hope better than when we entered.

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