Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 30

What is it about groups of ten
that leans toward celebration?

30 days! That is one month some months... but what does it mean really?
How different am I at this 30 day juncture than I was 30 days ago when I first entered the car and started down the road out of my drive?
I think a lot different...
very very different

but how?

I am a robot now. From the moment I wake until about 1PM I perform duties for others (Bubble included walks and so forth)

I am a student... from 1PM to about 3PM... and I read and read and read and sometimes answer questions and sometimes write

back to robot

back to student

sometimes I even forget to shower and eat.
I get very hungry around 4PM and I think... "what have I eaten?"
and my answer
"Oh.. oh no! I haven't eaten anything!"
and then
"I haven't drunk anything either!"

I know that this isn't healthy... but that's what happens sometimes. I am amazed that i actually find myself remembering to write my blog every day.

other ways I have changed

I metamorphed into a parent. i am happy when my father goes to the toilet. I worry when he coughs and wonder what could be the problem... does he have bronchitis?

I wield responsibility in ways I never thought myself capable of.

I feel older

Bubble has changed too. She sleeps more... is even more interested in killing squirrels... she loves my mother... oh, and she eats bugs!

Have you changed since reading my blog
have things in your life changed in the last 30 years?
Tell us... let us know

change is good... I think ... can always be perceived as good, at least.

1 comment:

  1. i have changed since you started this blog.

    i cut my hair
    i got 2 cats and became sedentary
    i became a bear, or started realizing i am one (i.e. i like being alone at home, grumpy, eating honey and trying to type things on keyboard and to pet cats with big paws)
    i am fragile
    dance is a central part of my life
    i am sometimes cold

    i am still late, always
    i am still too hot, most of the time
    i still sleep a lot
    i still miss you
