Saturday, August 14, 2010


Our house is old.
I return home every summer and am reminded of all the small and large problems to be found here.
The basement leaks in 3 places.
The deck is beginning to rot.
The closets and drawers (and just about any other storage space) are packed with mostly useless things and even the more useful of them become useless because no one knows where to find them.
My parents have been married for 48 years and have accumulated 48 years worth of stuff.
And my mother is a shop-a-holic.
Outside of the house has been described by friends as "a small jungle"
My father used to be a landscape artist.
Every day he worked outside.
It was and is a magic world out there, but now the magic is hidden beneath weeds and overgrowth. It is so overgrown that at this moment (9am on a sunny August morning) the crickets cicadas and other whistling insects are happily chirping. They still think its night because the sun can't reach them through the foliage.
The driveway is eroding, the well is barely pumping water into the plumbing system and mice live here (not to mention a snake which my mother found in our kitchen a few months ago.)

These are the problems at our home. If anybody out there knows anything about plumbing, gardening, closet control or snake removal... feel free to comment.

But I think my biggest problem right now is the one I feel in my own head.

My Grandmother died in a hospital tied to a bed. She had Alzheimer disease.
My father is 74 years old and has advanced Alzheimer disease.
Am I next?

I am 42 as previously admitted. I don't feel that this is old however it is impossible to ignore that around 40 my body and mind began to noticeably change.
i can't run as fast as I used to.
Much less hair pops out of my head.
I don't sleep as deeply.
Things hurt a bit if I have been sitting or crouching in one position for too long (usually after about 35 seconds.).

I think all this is quite normal.
It is the other problems which worry me more.

My concentration is going. I've always been an avid reader. I read for hours, sometimes whole weekends passed by and the minutes were counted by the turnings of pages.
Lately I can't even endure an hour of it before I loose focus and feel the need to sleep.

My clarity fails. I used to be often right. I had the answer to things, remembered them clearly in my mind. Whether it was the capital of Belize, my friend's birthday or the date of my next dentist appointment.
Now i forget almost everything.

I feel my mind slip away while I drive.
I can't remember the plots nor names of my favorite films not to mention my favorite actors who play in them.

And words! Words which used to pour from the pitcher of my mind through the spouts of my fingers onto the page, now get caught somewhere in the journey and I have to constantly shake the whole contraption just to get a few of them to eke out and finally fall before me.

This is what is worrying me the most:
Do I have or will I get ALzheimer disease?

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