We went to meet the transportation service at the care facility.
They would be in charge of transporting Dad home.
We got there an hour early so that we could clean out his room... retrieve his medication... say goodbye... etc.
To our surprise... no one at the facility knew he was leaving today.
I had to nice-fight with the head nurse to get his meds.
She actually told me that I had to come back monday to get them... however half of them are pills he is supposed to take at night which means he would miss an evening worth of pills
I nice-freaked and she backed down... we have his medicine.
He is MUCH better at home. My sister stopped by and he knew all three of us... had nothing but smiles on his face... ate his dinner... talked a lot (some of it not babbling!) and is now sleeping and snoring
I can hear his heavy breathing coming from the bedroom next to mine.
harder than I expected:
a. lifting him out of his chair into his bed
b. making him comfortable in his chair
c. remembering the order of things to make my life easier (i was constantly repeating steps because I would... for example (that's for all my Czech students) put his pants on without putting on a diaper first... or turn out the lights and let him fall asleep before giving him his medicine.
But Dad was a trooper... he accepted my idiocy without complaint.
I really think he knows that he is home
I think he's happy about it
inexperienced son or no
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