I am sorry that I have left for so long
I just didn't know where to go from the last posting
Spring came (but not really) a new season
a new life
new life all around
poking out
grass blades like prison bars
growing straight and tall
roots holding it all down
buried deep
Mom and I (and possibly Aunt Gil) are going on a trip to the Grand Canyon in June
Bubble is well, she acts strangely
the vet said she has a false pregnancy.
Her body believes she will have puppies
emptied of energy i
study and peruse, e
e cummings
Langston Hughes
lymes disease? or
should see the
doc, I guess
worried bout all
future plans
have none too
few i ams:
i am tired
i am lone
i am lost, but
always home
There. I think that describes my life right now... write now....
Is anyone still out there?
I will no longer write every single day, but I will be certain to write once a week at least.
About Dad! I almost forgot. TODAY is ...
his birthday.
Mom and I are going to the cemetery on this cold cloudy day
Tonight there is a mass at my sisters church in Dad's honor
My niece will read from the bible.
hey !
ReplyDeletei'm glad you're back!
i hd stopped coming here, thinking you weren't posting anymore.
glad to see i was wrong! welcome to spring!
and tons of hugs