Friday, December 31, 2010


i am going to steal today
My Czech friend wrote me an email apologizing for a long period of not writing
in my reply I... uncovered one of the reasons why I write this blog
so i am going to steal from myself and copy that reply, here...
Tomorrow, if I remember I will relate the story of my parents wedding... it's cute
And just to let you know
I received an 18 out of twenty for the first essay I had you read on women's voice important to slavery and temperance etc.
and I received a 12 out of 12 for the 2nd essay on 3 African American writers and how their works connected and contrasted

Here is part of why I write

I fully understand your aversion to writing.
All I do when I am not helping or thinking about my father is read and write for school and blog (ok... there is also nieces and sister and a few movies) I have no passion or motivation to write, say, the occasional email. Even the blogs often hit my chest like a sack of rotten potatoes. Writing it is like having to eat those potatoes raw.
And yet there lives inside me something that desires to form words in a magical way... sometimes the potato sack knocks me down and over the edge of something ... a boundary of worlds and when there... writing becomes... for a short time, exciting and a blessing.
Your words are kind and like you, I have nothing to say or do that can help you much either. For me, it is merely important that anyone understands what it is, even in a small way, that I am going through. People who can look at me from outside of me... of my life here... and conceive part of what it is that we are going through...
oh I don't know. I've never been very good at acting on my own. I must always believe that there are others behind me... supporting me in some way.
so you do take on an important role just by reading.

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