Thursday, September 9, 2010

My thoughts on returning to the Czech republic

Dad will return home on October 1st.
Advances on the house race along.
My sister is painting my parent's bedroom.
The plumber is coming soon...
and a ramp will be built in two weeks.

In this slight interim before my life really changes... again
I returned to the Czech republic... where I am now
to finalize some things... get my stuff... and say goodbye to several dear friends

On the train from Prague to Hradec Kralove (the small city where I have lived for the past 4 years)
I looked around me and got a little shock.
I am always surprised at the huge differences between The C.R. and the U.S.A.
It reminds me, has always reminded me,
of childhood in the 1970's
and there on the train
I tried to figure out why...
this is what I wrote:

Liek the 70's the Czech Republic bulges with old and dusty.
Discolored metal rusty trains
old wooden stations sagging beside
single swinging signs with town names in faded lettering.
Grass grows through the cracks beneath the tracks
when you get off it meets your feet as well as
the dry smoky powdery soil supporting it's roots

There is no cement and recemented walkways flat as countertops
sparkling and white
nor sun stopping pavilions to pleasantly walk underneath. No glossy clean windows on the train.
No seats made for kings traveling in $100 jeans or high-end business suits.

I look through the dirty window
at the buildings
the leftovers of communism
everything is grey
the buildings, the sky..
Like a place lost in a cloudy day.
feels like night's approaching
even at 12 noon on a summer day

Then as I sit here and read what I've written
type it into the blog
It makes it sound so dark
no barren
it's not.... it's just not new... like the 70s...
every"thing" is old... but who cares about it
I'd rather have the grass
the old signs
I think people are happier here

I will miss you Czech Repulic
I love you

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